DMD / Revenue Grade Smart Metering

The Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS) Working Group has evolved into the Dedicated Measurement Device (DMD)/Revenue Grade Smart Metering Working Group, expanding its scope to address energy flexibility and metrological data exchange needs. 

A key driver for this working group is the recent introduction of the Dedicated Measurement Device (DMD) in EU regulations. The DMD is a billing-grade sub-meter equipped with communication capabilities that enable accurate energy measurement and data exchange for billing and flexibility markets. This regulatory shift reflects the growing role of Smart Appliances (SAs)—such as electric vehicle chargers, heat pumps, and home energy management systems—in supporting grid stability and energy efficiency.

The Working Group is tasked with:

  • Defining standards for metrological data exchange to ensure reliable energy measurement for billing and grid services.
  • Developing a unified approach to sub-metering, ensuring compliance with global and EU energy market regulations.
  • Creating interoperability between Smart Appliances and the grid, enabling seamless integration into energy flexibility markets.
  • Incorporating both DLMS-based and at least one non-DLMS interface to simplify Smart Appliance connectivity.
  • Aligning with ongoing work in IEC TC13 and IEC TC23/SC23K to ensure global standardization.
  • Engaging sub-meter manufacturers and energy market stakeholders to develop practical, market-driven solutions.


Alessio COSTANTINI (Carlo Gavazzi)



Highlights key actions

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